Monday, July 4, 2011

whoa moby!!!

so this is my first catch of the season. technically he was a keeper but with the mucking around with the camera, he managed to wiggle off the hook.
just as well, he really wasn't that big and i have a problem with the catch and release program. it's there for a good reason, so that the lakes are not fished out and the babies have a "sporting" chance to make it through the season,but still..................when you think about it it's kinda creepy, like a child molester luring young children. we dangle shiny bright objects and food in front of them, lure them into our trap and then hook em'.  

if they're not big enough we've pierced their lips, deprived them of oxygen and scared the be-jesus out of them, only to throw them back so it can happen again and again. (fish have about a 2 minute memory retention span).maybe i should hang a sign off my hook stating-only BIG fish need apply.

as you can tell by my ever-so-fashionable attire it was freezing up there in the mountains. side note to david suzuki- it is now july and it's still freezing in the mountains, perhaps your global warming scam does not apply to elevations higher than sea level.


  1. Congrats on your first catch! I keep meaning to go get my own pole & license so I can go fishing, but haven't yet... o_O

    And I love that the smart fishy found his way off your hook. ^-^ The BIG FISH ONLY sign sounds like a grand idea as well. =D

    Hope you have a blast fishing this season!


  2. hey lady! thanks so much for following along with me over at words unspoken - hope you'll come by and visit when you're so inclined - and when you're not out catching dinner! ;)
