Thursday, May 12, 2011


i am seriously considering getting dreads.this has been a long time coming,this is not one of my random whims. last fall, the daughter and i were in downtown vancouver shopping. we stopped into a shoe store (surprise!) cause as usual, i had on totally inappropriate footwear and my feet were killing me. in the shoe store was this granny, somewhere in her middle 70's. she had long beautiful grey dreads and to make it even more perfect, she was buying multi-coloured high tops. instantly my hero!
so we got to talking. told the daughter that this may be the solution to my naturally messy hair. except for a few short hours after i leave the hairdresser i always look like i just got out of bed, and not the "just had the best sex of my life" look but rather the "don't you ever comb your hair?" look. it curls and it corkscrews and it frizzes with no thought process as to doing so in a pleasingly symmetrical way. if i had dreads, people would assume that i meant for my hair to look like this.
                                              Johnny Depp has dreads! have i ever mentioned that
                                        we share a birthday? yet another reason for dreads.

two things are stopping me at this point. #1. i would have to stop dying my hair cause i'm pretty sure it's impossible to dye dreads. not sure if i want to let my inner grey out just yet. #2. the husband. he's a tad on the conservative side. he's not on board with this just yet. but everyone knows that i eventually get him to come around to my way of thinking. i have a plan........................
                                                        i will tell him that i will look like this!

so the pros are.. i will not look like i just got out of bed. there's a good chance i will cause a riot at the country club. johnny depp and i will have yet another thing in common.
the cons are... i will have to let my hair go grey. if i don't like it or get bored of it i will have to shave my head.(which is really not a con cause i've been bald before and have a very nice shaped head AND i never had a bad hair day). so the cons are.. i will have to let my hair go grey.
hmmmmm................whaddaya think?


  1. Hey there! DREAD IT!!! =D
    I think dreads are wonderful & can't wait to have them myself, as soon as I can ditch this office job. XD
    I also think gray hair can be so beautiful! And since you're not afraid to shave your head (terribly liberating, isn't it? ^-^), I say do it!

  2. thanks for your support. so far everyone has said go for it. just waiting for my hair to get a little longer and i'm going to do it!
