Monday, May 2, 2011

and justice and freedom for all?

so bin laden is dead.
something is just not sitting right with me. i am not disputing the fact that he was an evil man and deserved to die. what i am disputing is the way that he died.
or did he die? a quick burial at sea? no pictures of the body? when they hung sadam they were pretty quick in publishing the pictures of him and his sons.
there is no substantive evidence that bin laden was responsible for 9/11. he never took credit for it and there is a theory that is was an inside job with out side help. bush liked his wars and was not above starting them (need i mention iraq?)
dancing in the streets! or dancing on a grave? vengeance is not justice.
they "may" have killed bin laden but they have not killed the ideology.
that he was responsible for the deaths of thousands again i do not dispute it but where is the justice in taking him out in a stealth attack? if they knew where he was, why didn't they at least try to take him alive and put him on trial? even sadam had his kangaroo court.
this little charade should guarantee that obama gets re-elected for sure. nothing makes the americans happier than a good old fashioned lynching.
just saying.


  1. Pretty sure there weren't pics so the general public wouldn't be able to see the tar & feathers... O_=

  2. i'm with you on that one my friend!
