Monday, March 14, 2011

bag lady blues

i'm in deep trouble.
there was a time when i never left the house without make-up, heels and a properly put together outfit. over the years i relaxed that rule a bit, but now that i'm "retired" i seem to have relaxed it too much.
i gave away alot of my shoes and any outfit that smacked of office. what that has left me with is my casual clothes and what i fondly refer to as my bag lady outfits and my homeless coats. i find myself reaching for the comfort of baggy layers, scarves for both my head and my neck, shapeless wool sweater coats and anything in sweatsuit material. some call it boho chic, some call it schelpping.
went shopping the other day and found i had filled my cart with all of the above. i put them back and started over. but what to buy? what to wear?
i talked to a friend about this the other day and she said " welcome to my world!" i've noticed other people as well who have retired, just throwing on any old thing. i'm not going to do housework or gardening or painting in a dress and pearls ala june cleaver, but surely to god when i do leave the house i should be able to put together an outfit that says yes i still have self esteem yes i care how i look and yes i'm worth the effort!

in light of all that is happening in the world right now, my wardrobe problem seems pretty trite, but if the world is going to fall off it's axis, i would like to go out in style!

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